Friendly Materials® at the 2nd Edition of Construction Week
Construction Week 2025 partnership between MATCOAM and Friendly Materials®
33rd Edition of La Marató de TV3
Air pollution is a growing risk factor, it is essential to reflect on how the spaces we live in can have a direct impact on our health
Centro Diagnóstico Psicológico Tetuán, project with Friendly Materials® Ce...
Ajuntament de Barcelona is committed to the health of its spaces with the Friendly Materials® Certification at the Centro Diagnóstico Psicológico Tetuán.
RISE Center, Friendly Materials® certified project
Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu is committed to including parameters that promote the health of its users, opting for the Friendly Materials® Certification at the RISE Center.
How can health criteria be incorporated into the choice of finishes?
Friendly Materials® at ARCHITECT@WORK Madrid 2024
Friendly Materials® at MATCOAM
FM® at the MATCOAM Masterclass on Healthy Architecture
Friendly Materials in the Healthier Materials cycle organized by MATTER
MATTER publishes the report on the Healthier Materials cycle where Friendly Materials was present as a speaker
Friendly Materials participa en el evento Taller Moodboard MATCOAM con Materiales Saludables organizado en el Colegio de Arquitectos de Madird por el MATCOAM
Friendly Materials article in Hospitecnia
We published in Hospitecnia an article on the choice of materials in our projects
Addition of new materials to the Friendly Materials library
Friendly Materials at thePostgraduate course in Architecture and Health organi...
Friendly Materials present as a speaker at the Postgraduate course in Architecture and Health organized by the COAC within the framework of the Escola Sert in Barcelona
laSexta News
"Architecture against the coronavirus"
Friendly Materials® live on national TV.
Interview for Archiboo - fuel your ideas
Building materials that help the healing process
Urban Environment and Health guide by Diputación de Barcelona
Guide for the creation of healthy urban environments, with the participation of the Friendly Materials team.
Lecture at the University of Navarra: ‘Design and Environmental Management o...
The matter of this lecture is how we can introduce a health criteria in the building materials choice thanks to Friendly Materials®.
Friendly Materials®, Best Consultants Website at the Archiboo Web Awards
The Archiboo Web Awards 2019 has selected our website Friendly Materials as the winner of the category 'Best Consultants Website', internationally recognizing it as the best consulting platform in the field of architecture.
Friendly Materials® is a finalist in Archiboo Awards
Friendly Materials website is a finalist in Archiboo Web Awards 2019 for the ‘Best Consultants Website’ category, which awards the best consultancy platforms in the field of architecture.
Friendly Materials® featured at the iF Design Social Impact Prize
Friendly Materials® is highlighted at the iF Social Impact Prize web, an initiative of iFDesign.
Session 'Connecting Advanced Materials & Design' event
Rita Barata explained how PMMT is committed to innovation to improve people's health and highlighted Friendly Materials® as our method for designing and building indoor spaces that actively contribute to the health of its occupants.
Friendly Materials® is mentioned in Matimex' book
Friendly Materials® has the honor of being published in Matimex' book called Matimex PLUS.
Friendly Materials® is mentioned in Krion®' book
Friendly Materials® has the honor of being published in the Krion's book edited by Krion Solid Surface, S.A.
Lecture at the ETSAM: ‘Environment and Bioclimatic Architecture ’ Master
Rita Barata, Friendly Materials®' Manager at PMMT, has offered a lecture to the students at the ETSAM.
PMMT at the first WOD Chapter Spain
Rita Barata was the first guest speaker of the first "Woman in Office Design, Chapter Spain", a movement that aims to give visibility for women's talent and share professional experiences in the office design sector.
Rita Barata at the Barcelona Building Construmat 2019
Rita Barata, Friendly Materials' Manager, participated in the BB Construmat 2019 by dint of the "Stand 5.0" of the Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya-COAC
Friendly Materials® at COAM's MEET-MAT conference
Rita Barata, Friendly Materials® Manager, spoke the last 4th of April in the "Healthcare Arquitecture and Empathy" conference organized by MATCOAM.
We welcome our Consultancy clients
Diputació de Barcelona, Clínica Corachan, Institut Marquès, Makiber and FCC Citizen Services are the companies that help us to build a healthier world.
Friendly Materials at the 'Design Through New Materials' master in ELI...
Rita Barata, Friendly Materials® Manager at PMMT, has offered a lecture to the students of the 'Design Through New Materials' master in ELISAVA.
Video at TEDxBarcelona 'How do materials affect the air we breath'
Rita Barata, architect and Friendly Materials® Manager at PMMT, was a speaker at TEDxBarcelona - Solutions for tomorrow: “How do building materials affect the air we breathe”.
Friendly Materials® wins the Gran Prize Andorra 2018 for "patin a vela...
Jordi Cunill, BIM Manager at PMMT Forward Thinking Architecture, was the overall winner of the Gran Prize Andorra 2018 for Catalan Sailing Catamaran.
Friendly Materials® at the TEDxBarcelona
Rita Barata, architect and Friendly Materials Manager at PMMT, will be one of the speakers at the TEDxBarcelona that will take place the 5th of October in Barcelona.
Friendly Materials® begins its international program of conferences and lectu...
Together with the launch of the new website, Friendly Materials® begins this autumn an intense communication agenda by participating in international conferences and lecture events. Madrid, Barcelona, Nijmegen (Netherlands), Zaragoza and Andorra are the first European cities where the Friendly Materials’ methodology will pe presented.
Friendly Materials®, a research project developed by PMMT Healthcare Architec...
Friendly Materials® is the result of a 3-year research process, developed by PMMT Forward Thinking Healthcare Architecture, an architecture firm based in Barcelona and Madrid that is deeply committed to R&D.
Meet our team
Get to know our Friendly Materials® and PMMT team and find out how we work at the most healthy and inclusive office of Barcelona.
Efficiency and safety at work: the value of healthy and accessible environment...
On Tuesday, June 26th, in Madrid, Luis Gotor, associate architect of PMMT, together with the architect and Friendly Materials® Manager, Rita Barata, participated in the 'Efficiency and safety day at work: the value of healthy and accessible environments', aimed at large companies, and with which PMMT positioned itself as a benchmark in the design of healthy and inclusive workspaces.
What is the sick building syndrome and how does it affect your health?
BBC World tells you what sick building syndrome is and how it affects your health. It's not as volatile or as rare as some think...
Friendly Materials® at the Sustainable Architecture Conference
The PMMT's architect and Friendly Materials® Manager Rita Barata spoke about this tool of assessment, evaluation and objective comparison of how building materials affect the health of the spaces and their occupants.
Your home is 2 to 5 times more polluted than the street
Half of the world's population lives in polluted cities and spends 90% of their time indoors even more polluted.
Friendly Materials® at the MIT Technology Review
The prestigious online magazine MIT Technology Review (ES) has dedicated to us an extensive interview where Rita Barata, architect and Friendly Materials® Manager at PMMT.
Healthy spaces, Inclusive spaces Conference
On February 22nd happened the first edition of the Healthy spaces, Inclusive spaces: Tools and solutions to improve the lives of people conference in the Parc Sanitari Pere Virgili and brought together professionals from different fields