Three different medals may be obtained: gold, silver or bronze. In case the assessed product does not achieve a score high enough to receive a medal it will be given the word “rated”.
All the medals are valid for a one year period.
Each product will be included in it's corresponding category, enabling comparison with its peers. There are 9 main categories that subdivide into more specific categories. All the categories and sub-categories may be consulted at www.friendlymaterials.com
The maximum achievable score changes according to each category. The maximum scores de?ned for each category are what allows to compare products to their peers. Although the maximum global score is 100, each category has its own achievable maximum.
The achieved score is expressed in FMP - Friendly Material Points.
Achieved score over 100.
Whenever the product has labels or certificates issued by third-parties, the blue dot will be on.
Whenever the product does not contain any substance from the Friendly Materials© Alert List, the blue dot will be on.
Whenever the assessed product is free of VOC emissions (zero emissions - 0 ug/m3) the blue dot will be on.
If the product has any kind of active property, such as photocatalysis, anti-pollutant materials, antibacterial surfaces (etc), the blue dot will be on.
Whenever the assessed company provides all information needed to fill in all the infocard fields, the blue dot will be on. (corresponding to the “transparent information” stamp on the infocard).
How does the scoring system work?
The Friendly Materials’ medals are grouped by categories and each category has its own maximum score of FMPs.
The maximum score represents the highest number of points that a material from that category is able to achieve. Setting a maximum score for each category ensures the comparison of a building material with its peers, once there is no point in comparing paints with wood or ceramics with adhesives.